Angus Journal

JAN 2015

The Angus Journal is a monthly magazine known for in-depth coverage of American Angus Association programs and services; the Angus business; herd management techniques; and advertising reflecting genetics herd philosophies.

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Page 27 of 228

Time, they say, is money. But what counts more is how you make your mark on this world. GeneSeek ® Genomic Profles ™ (GGP) help you select young seedstock with confdence. Think about the value of verifying maternal, performance and carcass traits in one step. Plus you confrm parentage and genetic health. Imagine the possibilities. With the GGP HD-80K, you can raise the best – the cattle that brand your legacy. Cattlemen who rely on the full power of the GGP HD-80K bring the highest quality of genomic technology to the accuracy of their seedstock profles. Only the GGP HD-80K can deliver more content than any other profler. You are good at what you do. GGP makes you even better. And when your cattle perform as advertised, your buyers can take your word to the bank. Time. Money. Reputation. GeneSeek ® a New Brand of Partner January 2015 ■ ANGUSJournal ■ 25

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